What Languages Are Spoken in Overland?

The ability for users to easily translate our content to Spanish is one of the parts of the new Overland Online website that I'm most proud of. I'm glad to say it apparently gets used as the site has only been publicly available for a little over a week and it's already hitting its translation plan limit.

As a result I need to increase our plan, which of course increases the cost of running the site.

One plan I'm looking at allows for translation to an additional language as well, and the other allows for 4 additional languages.

I found a lot of data about language prevalence, but most was focused on either St. Louis City alone or Missouri as a whole. However, I did find one article from 2022 that was focused on the greater St. Louis area.

(Source: https://stacker.com/missouri/st-louis/most-common-languages-spoken-home-greater-st-louis-and-surrounding-regions )

Here's their list, which includes the percentage of each language's speakers who also "speak English very well":

  1. Spanish - 69% ✔️

  2. Chinese - 57%

    (incl. Mandarin, Cantonese)

  3. Serbo-Croatian - 59%

  4. Vietnamese - 38%

  5. German - 83%

  6. Arabic - 62%

  7. French - 84%

    (incl. Cajun)

  8. Telugu - 84%

  9. Tagalog - 70%

    (incl. Filipino)

  10. Hindi - 86%

The absence of Farsi and Korean, as well as the inclusion of German and French, surprised me a bit.

Based on the above I should look at adding Chinese, with the one plan. If I go with the other I should also add Serbo-Croatian, Vietnamese, and Arabic.

While data (even limited data) can be useful, personal experiences have value as well. So what languages do you all think should be added to https://OverlandOnline.org ?

I plan to also reach out to the City of Overland, today to see what data they may have as well.

#OverlandMO #STLLanguages


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