Overland Online is Back!
Welcome to the New Overland Online.
Your digital guide to our great place to live.
This website is the third of it’s kind. Previously a similar site was created but lost due to the demands of real life at that time. Before that, a site focused on local politics covered the turmoil that was Overland around 2006.
The need for a hyper-local site covering out community hasn’t changed. As result the first steps to create a new Overland Online have finally been taken and a bare-bones version of what I hope the site will become is now live.
Most notably is the simple, but very effective translation option at the top of the page.
. As we move forward we will be asking for our communities help by asking you to tell us about:
Local Events
Local Organizations
Local Businesses.
Local History
and more. We will also ask you to share your stories, pictures, and to tell us what you’d like to see us cover.
We’d also welcome help with stories, pictures, this website, and more from Overland residents who want to help make this the best resource it can be.
We could also use financial help. There are already expenses connected to this project and those will only increase as we grow. In the future we’ll be looking for advertisers, but for now, if you want to support Overland Online as a sponsor please let me know.
Thanks for visiting. We hope we can create something here that benefits our community as a whole. Please let your friends and neighbors know about us.