Going Hands Free in Missouri

Starting Monday, August 28th Missouri will become the 49th state to restrict handheld device use while driving, coming in ahead of only Montana as an example of leading from behind once again.

The Siddens Benning Hands-Free Law (PDF) prohibits drivers from doing any of the following while driving:

  • Physically holding or supporting a cell phone or other device, with any part of their body

  • Manually typing, writing, sending, or reading text-based messages, including email.

  • Recording, posting, sending, or broadcasting video, including video calls or conferencing.

  • Posting on social media, or any digital platform.

  • Watching videos or movies.

Hands-Free devices for calls as well as voice-activated operation, that does not require you hands or eyes to accomplish, are the technical solutions to these new restrictions. However, this can still be a distraction.

Distracted Driving has been the leading cause of crashes in Missouri. 2012 - 2021 there were nearly 200,000 motor vehicle accidents related to distracted-driving including over 800 fatalities.

With that in mind the best approach is still to simply wait until you get there, or pull over safely when that’s not an option.

We all receive numerous calls, texts, and notifications throughout the day, but how many of them are worth the lives of the people in your vehicle, including you?

#OverlandMO #Missouri #HandFree #NewLaws #ItCanWait


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