The Overland Farmers Market will be hosting a food drive for the Ritenour Co-Care Food Pantry on Saturday, October 5th, 2024 8 AM - Noon, at the Verona pavilion in downtown Overland.
Ritenour Co-Care volunteers will be at the market with one of their iconic trucks to accept your generous donations, answer your questions, and talk to you about the pantry and all the ways you can help them serve our neighbors in need.
If you can please bring non-perishable donations for the pantry with you when you come visit the Farmers Market on Saturday, Oct. 5th and help us surpass the donations collected at out last food drive in July. Please help us help the pantry and show just how generous our community always is!
You can learn more about the pantry and how you can help them by clicking here.
If you bring 6 or more donation items to this event you will receive a coupon for a free breakfast sandwich from the market (coupons only valid on Oct. 5th).
#OverlandMO #RitenourCoCare #RitenourRocks #FoodDrive