Today Is Be An Angel Day

Today (Aug 22nd) is Be An Angel Day.

This holiday promotes being good to others in whatever ways we can.

Whether you stop to let another driver in, pay for someone else's meal, buy someone in need a car, or just say thank you sincerely when someone does something nice for you, it's all being an angel for someone else in that moment, regardless of how simple or grandiose your gesture might be.

Today reminds us to think of others and act on those thoughts. Paying it forward, committing random acts of kindness, and being a good samaritan for someone else are all what this day is about, but it doesn't have to stop there. This day reminds us to be good people, but it wasn't meant to end when the clock strikes midnight.

We're all surrounded by organizations that help people in need, make our communities stronger, and serve others on a daily basis. The one thing all of these organizations have in common is a need for more volunteers. On this Be An Angel Day consider how you can find an hour or two of your time to give to others through these great institutions. You may be surprised to see how much positive impact you can have on the world around you by giving just a few hours to others.

Contrary to popular opinion no volunteer is uncompensated. You won't receive a financial reward for your efforts, but the good feelings that come from helping others are amazing and truly priceless. It's a free legal high that feeds your soul and makes every day a great day.

In my area of Overland, Missouri there are many organizations doing great things in our community and beyond. You can learn more about many of them and how you can be an angel through them here:

Be an angel for someone today, and let that inspire you to be an angel for others whenever you can from now on.

#BeAnAngelDay #PayItForward #RandonActsOfKindness #GoodSamaritans #BeNice #Volunteer #HelpingHands #BeTheChange #Community


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