Local Volunteer Opportunities

Good Morning Overland!

For a while now I've been seeing new faces in Overland, MO. at local establishments, events, etc. and that's awesome!

However, I haven't been seeing nearly as many new faces among the volunteers that support local charities, events, and volunteer organizations in town.

While some folks are surely busy, I suspect many new residents just aren't aware of the numerous volunteer opportunities in Overland.

If you're a neighbor interested in learning about the many ways to give a bit of your time to worthy local organizations, or one of those organizations in need of volunteers, I'd like to hear from you so we can try to make connections that benefit everyone.

For those worried that expectations might exceed your availability, please know every little bit helps. Also, the more volunteers there are for each organization or event the less that needs to be asked of individual volunteers.

For example, all of these organizations could use whatever help you can give:

* And many more including City of Overland, Missouri committees, boards, and civic events (ask one of your Council representives about these), as well as the numerous churches in town.

All of these organizations and more need volunteers and would greatly appreciate any help you could give, regardless of how limited your availability might be.

If you'd like to learn more, or would like to let others know about the volunteer opportunities within an organization you're a part of please feel free contact us..

Together we can help all of the amazing local organizations in town keep doing what they do to make our community a great place to live.



The First Rule of Milk Club


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